Cool. That's a loaded word. Cool is a temperature. Someone can been known as cool under pressure. My husbands favorite reply when texting is "cool" when he really could just give a thumbs up or 'K. But COOL is also to show admiration, or even overwhelming admiration as a way to say something is awesome or swell. And the coolest thing about 'cool' is that it seems to be a word that is still relevant today.
Today I was reading an article and found myself down a rabbithole and came across this fab quote from Dayna Isom Johnson, trend spotter extraordinaire at Etsy.
Wow. How refreshing! Cool is whatever YOU think it is. Not what your neighbor or roommate or Joanna Gaines thinks is hot. Whatever works for you is cool.
I L-O-V-E love the crisp white, airy modern farmhouse trend that is everywhere out there. And, man, I sure wish I could have that style but...it's just not me. As gorgeous and inspirational as it is, it's just not practical for me (and my 3 kids and 4 dogs!). My style is a little more relaxed, imperfect and colorful. Same with fashion. Wedges and heels. Swoon. But as a girl whose middle name is not Grace, this footwear is just not good for my health!
What's cool to YOU right now?